Do you know about this little electric shock?
Yes, the one that starts right in the back your neck. The one that makes your head rock left to, then to the right. The one that travels to your shoulders and makes the left roll twice before the right rolls once? That spark that slides down to your hips and makes them shake. The one that sends its last pulsing wave all the way through your legs to reach your toes enabling them to cut that rug?
Well here it is! We've compiled some of our favorites that all include that electric shock. From classic to recent, all these artists from all over the world will knock your socks off and get you in the grooviest of moods. Whether you're brushing your teeth in the morning, driving your car, kicking it with friends afterwork, or wherever you need that little spark, we've compiled this playlist so you always have it ready and waiting!
Click HERE to access Playlist on Spotify